Our Beliefs


We aspire to make much of Christ in all that we do (1 Peter 4:11). All of Christ for all of life to all the world.

Worship at the Center

Worship is the driving engine to all we do. God gathers us together on the Lord's day to worship Him. We in turn bring that worship out into the world.

Grow Fruit and Kingdom

We grow into maturity by bringing all of Christ to all of life. Jesus not only rules our church, but also our lives, family, nation, and world. 
Foot Prints

Doctrine with Hands and Feet

What we believe always affects how we live. Therefore, we seek to believe the total of Scripture and live in total obedience to Scripture. 

Our Beliefs

We believe in the orthodox Christian faith that was once and for all entrusted to the saints (Jude 3). Pastors in particular are responsible for teaching in accordance with this faith. Therefore, our pastor teaches in accordance with and not contrary to these creeds and confessions: The Apostles Creed, The Nicean Creed,, and The Second London Baptist Confession of 1689.

For the sake of church membership and unity, we affirm Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as our general statement of faith. We do not require for membership expertise over each article in our statement of faith. However, we do require members not to live or teach contrary to our statements of faith and also encourage them to use our statements of faith as a resource for personal discipleship. 

Our Values

Every Day is a Gospel Sermon

Without Jesus, we are guilty of tremendous sins before God and are separated from him (Romans 3:23). But because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, all who are born again will inherit eternal life (Ephesians 2:4-5). Christians call this act of grace “the gospel”, or “the good news.”

We believe that salvation is not merely a one-time act, but a life-long and continuous walk with God. The gospel-life continues to repent of sins and trust in Jesus.

The Bible is our Book

God has not saved us and left us to figure out life on our own. We believe that God has revealed his will through the Bible. In the Scriptures God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4).

Because of these convictions, we value expository preaching through books of the Bible. We encourage our members to center their relationships with one another and their families around the word of God.

Love with a Side of Potatoes

We believe that one of the primary evidence of God’s grace in a Christian’s life is how we relate with other Christians. (John 13:34-45). Since Jesus has shattered the barriers between Christians, we seek to live in harmony with one another (Ephesians 2:14-22). We share the love God has given us through hospitality and generosity to any and all. As we create the culture of the kingdom, we want that culture to show how loving and generous our King is. And we do that the way He does--with a meal!

Think Globally, Live Locally

We believe that the good news of Jesus must be shared among our communities and among the peoples of the world (Matthew 28:18-20). We support evangelistic efforts across the globe and in our neighborhoods so that we can make much of Jesus!

Our Beliefs

  • God's Presence
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  • God's Power
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  • God's Provision
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